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Catholic Social Justice Series

The Catholic Social Justice Series papers offer theological reflection on social, economic and ecological issues. They reflect the views of their authors and are published to provide information and to stimulate discussion and action.

The most recent papers are available in print and digital editions. For older or out of print titles, contact

Recent Catholic Social Justice Series Papers

‘Us’ not ‘Them’: Disability and Catholic Theology and Social Teaching: Catholic Social Justice Series No 83

Title: ‘Us’ not ‘Them’: Disability and Catholic Theology and Social Teaching…

Into the Deep: Catholic Social Justice Series No 82

Title: Into the Deep: Seeking justice for the people of West Papua Author: Peter Arndt ISBN 978-0-99…

An Economy that Works for All: Catholic Social Justice Series No 81

Title: An Economy that Works for All Author: Joe Zabar, introduction by Frank Brennan SJ AO ISBN 978…

Current Catholic Social Justice Series Papers

Print editions of the following papers can be ordered from the Office for Social Justice.

No 80


Liz de Chastel and Frank Brennan SJ

The Human Face of Homelessness

No 79


Christine Carolan and Noelene Simmons SM

Human Trafficking and Slavery, A response from Australian Catholics

No 78


Bishop Christopher Saunders (Introduction by Paul Smyth)

Putting People First, Pastoral Letters for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker 2010-2015

No 77


Patrick McCormick

Beauty and Our Biblical Calling to Peace, Justice and Sustainability

No 76


Ruth Webber

I Was In Prison: A Window into Prison Ministry

No 75


Gerard Moore

Justice in the Name of God

No 73


Patrick McArdle and Patricia Mowbray

Where Do We Stand? With Whom Do We Stand? People with disability and the call of Jesus

No 72


John Warhurst

Charity and Justice: St Mary MacKillop and Australian Society

No 71


Lyn Henderson-Yates, Brian McCoy SJ and Melissa Brickell

Take Off Your Shoes, Walk on the Ground: The journey towards reconciliation in Australia

No 66


Bishop Kevin Manning, Bishop William Brennan, Bishop William Morris, and Bishop Christopher Saunders

Work and Dignity: Pastoral Letters for the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, 1998-2009

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