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Celebrating Sea Sunday – 11th July

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“When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.”

Matt 14:26-27

For many seafarers who are currently working and living on the world’s seas during the global pandemic, and long after their original contracts have expired, Jesus’ message to take courage is more resonant than ever. 

Seafarers are those people currently working abroad ships moving goods such as medical and food supplies around the world. Stella Maris, formally the Apostleship of the Sea, say, “They also face the possibility of being infected by the virus in the countries they dock in. With air travel disrupted, flights between traditional crew change hubs have been reduced.”

“Although some countries have offered to vaccinate seafarers, many more nations still do not recognise the seafarers as key workers, thus, they have not prioritised them to receive the vaccine.”

Sea Sunday is on 11 July. On Sea Sunday, the Catholic community focuses on people who live and work on the world’s oceans and seas. It is a time for prayer, reflection, celebration and support. 

Seafarers often work for weeks at a time, away from their families and Stella Maris, the official maritime welfare agency of the Catholic church, provides spiritual, pastoral and practical support to seafarers around the world. 

To celebrate Sea Sunday, Stella Maris have created many different resources available for parishes and communities, including the ability to donate to support their work. 

Parishes can utilise the following resources for parishes: 

6. Image/s 

7. Collections –

For more information and to show your support, you can visit Stella Maris’ website

Mary, Star of the Sea, light of every ocean,
guide seafarers across all dark and stormy seas
that they may reach the haven of peace and light
prepared in Him who calmed the sea.
As we set forth upon the oceans of the world
and cross the deserts of our time, show us, O Mary,
the fruit of your womb, for without your Son we are lost.

Pray that we will never fail on life’s journey,
that in heart and mind, work and deed,
in days of turmoil and in days of calm,
we will always look to Christ and say,
“Who is this that even wind and sea obey him?”
Our Lady of Peace, pray for us!
Bright Star of the Sea, guide us!

Our Lady, Star of the Sea, pray for seafarers, pray for us.

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