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Catholic Social Teaching Course

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Image of hands painted as a map of the globe. Text: BBI-TAITE in oartnership with Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace. Presents Catholic Social Justice teaching. Online, 16 weeks, 8 sessions

Facilitated by Dr Sandie Cornish and BBI-TAITE, a new online course on Catholic Social Teaching (CST) begins on February 15 and covers the core concepts of the Catholic social justice tradition in an engaging and practical way.

It offers a strong grounding in responding to emerging international, national, and local situations and events, while also supporting the development of informed approaches and programs across diverse contexts.

The course would be an invaluable resource for teachers in Catholic schools, support staff, executives, mission leaders, board members, trustees of Catholic organisations, parish leaders, youth leaders and volunteers and employees in Diocesan organisations. The course is open to all who would like to grow their understanding of what the Church teaches in this vital area.

Held over eight sessions, the course will explore the Biblical basis of the Catholic social justice tradition, and CST positions on a range of issues and themes (eg. integral ecology and sustainable development; the preferential option for the poor; First Nations). The course will also explore a spirituality of social justice.

The course is offered in partnership with BBI TAITE, The Australian Institute of Theological Education, and the course fee of $310 (plus GST) includes all course materials, tutorship, and a certificate of completion. More details and sign up can be found here:

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