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Get Active for the Voice

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Across Australia, action in support of the Voice is underway. Individuals, organisations, and community groups are hosting conversations to share their stories on why they believe the Voice is important. As all research has shown, support for the Voice rises when people engage with the concept.

Unfortunately, many Australians are still unfamiliar with the Voice – what it is, how it operates – and most critically, why it is needed. This creates uncertainty, fear and division within our communities, the very opposite of what the National Constitutional Convention which issued the Uluru Statement from the Heart sought.

We can change that by speaking to people in our lives respectfully and openly, and sharing our stories on why we are supporting the Voice.

The conversations can be spontaneous conversations with our friends, our families, and our colleagues, or they can be part of events with other activists, such as those on the yes23 website:

To mark the beginning of NAIDOC week, yes23 is encouraging a National Day of Action to come together for Yes. Events will be held in all major cities, with a day filled with music, food, performances, and sport.

Finally, we encourage everyone to consider joining one of the 96 local Yes groups across the country, who organise for Yes in their local communities, and take regular action together. Find your local group here:

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