We can begin the process of ecological conversion in moments of quiet reflection and prayer, where we deepen our awareness of how each one of us has failed to treat Creation with due love and respect. Further reflection will bring to mind certain wasteful habits through which we all consciously and unconsciously sin against Creation. The next step is to ask for the grace to experience true sorrow for this. We could also gradually build up the habit of talking about sins against Creation during the sacrament of reconciliation.
Bishop Allwyn D’Silva, Chairperson CCBI Commission for Ecology, introducing the Lenten Eco Calendar 2020.

Move forward along the path to ecological conversion with the daily actions suggested in this Lenten Eco Calendar. Produced by the Commission for Ecology of the Conference of Catholic Bishops of India, together with the Mumbai Archdiocesan Office for the Environment, it encourages a focus on reconciliation with creation this Lent.