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NATSICC Cultural Competency Course

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A painting with an orange background, with an orange semi circle in the middle of the bottom with orange and red dots surrounding it. Black lines wriggle along the bottom edge. A black cross is on the left hand side and white text on the right hand side saying, "Cultural Comptency in a Catholic Context: NATSICC eLearning"

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Catholic Council (NATSICC) have created a ground-breaking foundational online cultural competency course that Catholic organisations, businesses, schools and parishes can complete. 

The course was developed for all Catholic workers, volunteers, Clergy and religious. 

“It is our vision that any point of engagement between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and the Church will have undertaken the Course and possess a foundational knowledge and appreciation of the oldest living Culture in the world.

“It is the first step on your organisation’s journey of knowledge and reconciliation.”

The course is currently available to organisations and individuals who would like to undertake the course are encouraged to let their Human Resources department know it is available. 

The course covers four sections: 

1.  Our First Nations Peoples

2.  Understanding our history

3.  First Nations culture

4.  Practice Tips

The course is available through Catholic Church Insurance learning portal or from NATSICC directly. The course is estimated to take an hour without looking into the further resources section and it is highly recommended that the course is complimented with engagement with your local Traditional Custodians.

To register and for more information go here: