In the Gospel, Jesus invites us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.
On Sunday 18 June, World Refugee Week began, this year themed “Finding Freedom”.
But what does it mean to be free?
Often, safety and freedom are conflated. To live without the fear of war, to have your basic human rights upheld, to live without the fear of persecution are examples of why every day millions of people across the world embark on dangerous journeys to find safety. For many however, from Australia to nations across the globe, settling into a new environment after experiencing the perils of a refugee’s journey can also provide the opportunity to build a new life, to live, to love and to dream.
We in the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace have prepared a guide to World Refugee Week, showcasing stories of refugees, messages from Pope Francis and Bishop Vincent Long, and opportunities to become involved in pursuing justice for refugees and people seeking asylum.

9 Simple Actions
The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) will be showcasing the journey for freedom taken by refugees – not just the journey to Australia, but the journey following arrival in Australia to build a new life and dream.
Here are nine simple ways you can be involved in the celebrations:
- Learn the Facts, and dispel myths and stereotypes about refugees
- Share the stories that move and inspire you on social media
- Use the #RefugeeWeekAU and #RefugeeWeek2023 hashtags on social media
- Cook a meal from recipes shared by Australia’s refugee communities here:
- Learn more about the refugee experience. A list of books films and podcast recommendations can be found here:
- Use RCOA’s resources to start conversations with people in your lives
- Attend a local event happening near you
- Join the movement, by following RCOA on social media
- Encourage your council to become a refugee welcome zone and make a commitment to welcoming refugees into your community.