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Laudato Si’ Week

Laudato Si Week 2024

On 24 May, 2015, Pope Francis issued his encyclical letter on caring for our common home, Laudato Si’. Each year, Laudato Si’ Week gives us an opportunity to renew our commitment to respond to the cries of the earth and the cries of the poor. During Laudato Si’ Week 2024 (May 19 – 26), you are encouraged to tap into the ecological wisdom of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in Australia and Indigenous Peoples everywhere.

Our office has created a resource to deepen our understanding of caring for our common home.

In the resource, you will find information on some of the ecological problems faced by Indigenous Peoples and the work Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples are doing to heal country. We hope that this can inspire you in your own Laudato Si’ journey.

For educators, Caritas has produced a series of Laudato Si’ Week resources aimed for primary and secondary schools looking looking to embed social justice into their curriculum