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National Reconcilation Week

Following the 2023 Social Justice Statement “Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples“, and the Australian Bishop’s commitments within, the Office for Justice, Ecology, and Peace has compiled the following resources in consultation with the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC).

National Reconcilation Week 2024: Now More than Ever

In line with the theme for National Reconciliation Week 2024 ‘Now More Than Ever‘, we share the perspectives of First Nations people as they reflect on the post-referendum reality, and explore the how we all can contribute towards reconciliation.

National Sorry Day 2024: Then and Now

Reconciliation begins first with understanding, of the historical injustices committed against First Nations Peoples, and the intergenerational trauma that continues to this day. Our Office has produced a new resource to help you to learn more about the Stolen Generations, the Bringing Them Home report, the Sorry Book Campaign, the Apology and the Healing Foundation’s Plan of Action.