The Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace has put together a set of resources prepared by a variety of organisations to help you to consider how you will vote in the 2025 Federal Election. These resources include information on potential disinformation and misinformation, the values which Church social teaching espouses, and important information about some of the key issues in the election.
Disinformation, Misinformation and Digital Literacy
The Australian Electoral Commission has prepared Stop and Consider, a campaign to help voters to discern if electoral material seen in the media or on-line is accurate

St. Vincent de Paul Society
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul has compiled a resource, Justice and Compassion, which considers what policies offer justice and dignity for the most disadvantaged people in society
The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS)
ACOSS has released a detailed set of priorities for the upcoming Budget. This also indicates its priorities for the 2025 Federal election
The Grattan Institute Orange Book
The Grattan Institute has released its Orange Book of election policy priorities for 2025 with recommendations across a broad range of policies including a net zero economy, health and retirement incomes
Kaldor Centre Report on Misinformation
The Kaldor Centre at the University of NSW has issued a report, Countering Misinformation on Refugees and Migrants, which assists you to identify misinformation about refugees and gives you advice on what you can do about it in this election campaign
This election resource is produced and authorised by Peter Arndt, Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace, Australian Catholic Bishops Conference, Braddon ACT 2612.