Australia celebrates Harmony Week in the days leading up to the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is a time to celebrate cultural diversity and share the message that everyone belongs. Find out about Harmony Week events near you here. It is a great time to reflect on chapters 6 and 7… Read More »Harmony Week
Deacn Boniface, a respected Elder and the first Aboriginal permanent deacon, passed away in 2019. As the national Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council's tribute page for Deacon Boniface says: His words and actions spoke loudly to the members of the Wadeye Community - of which he was a deeply loved and respected Elder… Read More »2019: Death of Deacon Boniface Perdjert
William Cooper was an inspirational Aboriginal leader in New South Wales and Victoria in the early part of the 20th century and a founding secretary of the Australian Aborigines’ League.The league was created to lobby state and federal governments on behalf of Aboriginal people. The powerful symbolic gesture of a Day of Mourning on 26… Read More »1941: Death of William Cooper