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Saint Augustine of Hippo

"You have made us and directed us toward yourself and our heart is restless until we rest in you."Confessions 1.1 Saint Augustine was one of the great founders of monasticism in the Western Church. The Augustinians in Australia describe his spirituality in the following way: "In Augustinian spirituality love for God is experienced as love… Read More »Saint Augustine of Hippo

International Day Against Nuclear Tests

Did you know that the Vatican ratified the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty on the very first day that it was opened for signature and ratification? The Holy See's diplomats continue to urge more states to ratify the treaty so that it will enter into force.

1815: Founding of Sisters of Charity by Mary Aikenhead

"In 1815, Mary Aikenhead, with Alicia Walsh, after completing their novitiate, founded the Religious Sisters of Charity in Ireland. They were the first, so-called Walking Nuns who visited the sick in their homes and tried to alleviate the wide spread poverty. Mother Mary Aikenhead’s dependence on Divine Providence – “God will provide” – was the… Read More »1815: Founding of Sisters of Charity by Mary Aikenhead

Beginning of National Biodiversity Month

Biodiversity Month is held in September each year and aims to promote the importance of protecting, conserving and improving biodiversity both within Australia and across the world.

National Wattle Day

National Wattle Day has been officially celebrated since 1992. "On 1 September 1988, Golden Wattle was declared officially as Australia's national floral emblem. While Golden Wattle had long enjoyed that status informally - note its prominent place within the Commonwealth Coat of Arms dating from 1912 (frontispiece) and on the insignia of the Order of… Read More »National Wattle Day

1991: Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act passed by Parliament

Action Does your parish, school or Catholic organisation have a Reconciliation Action Plan? Today might be a good day to check on your progress, or to start the process of developing a Reconciliation Action Plan. What is Reconciliation? ANTaR describe reconciliation as "a process where Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, non-Indigenous Australians and Australian… Read More »1991: Council for Aboriginal Reconciliation Act passed by Parliament