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World Social Media Day

Can you imagine living through a pandemic without social media? World Social Media Day is a time to recognise and celebrate social media's impact of global communication. Here are some ideas for activities: Revisit the Social Justice Statement Making it Real: Genuine human encounter in our digital world with your parish, school or community group.Share… Read More »World Social Media Day

Coming of the Light Festival

The Coming of the Light is a holiday celebrated by Torres Strait Islanders on 1 July each year. It recognises the adoption of Christianity through island communities during the late nineteenth century. Find out more here.

International Day of Cooperatives

The United Nations International Day of Cooperatives is celebrated annually on the first Saturday of July. This year, the theme of the International Day of Cooperatives 2020 is Cooperatives for Climate Action. Since 1995, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and the United Nations have been setting the theme for the celebration of the International Day… Read More »International Day of Cooperatives

St Thomas, Apostle

We feel great kinship for the apostle Thomas because, like him, most of us curiously combine faith and doubt. We sometimes share the enthusiasm St. Thomas expressed when upon Lazarus’s death Jesus decided to go to Bethany. “Let’s go too,” Thomas said to the other disciples,“that we may die with him” (see John 11:16). But… Read More »St Thomas, Apostle