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Laudato Si Week

A butterfly on a flower

In Australia, we will celebrate Laudato Si’ Week between May 16 and May 24. These dates are different from the dates promoted internationally to enable us to fully celebrate National Sorry Day (May 26) and National Reconciliation Week (May 27 – June 3) fully.

The theme for 2023 is Hope for the Earth, Hope for Humanity. The Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace is currently preparing resources to assist you to celebrate the week. These will be available by the end of April.

The resources will take the form of a novena of prayer, contemplation and action. To ground your prayer, contemplation and action, key themes in the most recent Australian State of the Environment Report will be focussed on in each of the nine days of the novena.

You may wish to look at information and resources on the official Laudato Si’ Week website at