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World Refugee Week

Three women among rubble in Gaza

In the last month, our office has had the opportunity to speak to a number of people who have fled persecution and violence in their country. They are seeking safety and freedom in Australia. Some of them have been here for 12 years.

Some have no visa and others have a bridging visa. What many of them have in common is they do not have work rights. It makes life very difficult for them. One Iranian family went through the Fast Track process and their claims were rejected. They have sought ministerial intervention, but they have been told that could take up to five years. The mother used to have work rights, but now she cannot work. She said she is depressed. Her older son finished school a couple of years ago and was offered a university place, but he could not take it up. He stays at home and does nothing. He, also, is depressed. His younger brother often comes home from school crying because he does not know what the future holds for him.

There are many we have talked with who are in similar circumstances. They are in limbo and don’t have much hope. Life is a daily struggle for them, surviving on the charity of others.

World Refugee Week is coming up – June 16 – 22. It’s a time when we can commit ourselves to accompanying refugees who live in desperation. The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce will host a World Refugee Day Prayer Service on Thursday June 20 at 7:30 PM AEST. Please register for this online service and join us in prayer for all those in need of hope: Register here

If you want to find out what else you can do during Refugee Week, please visit