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Season of Creation 2024

Season of Creation

The 2024 Season of Creation theme, “To hope and act with Creation,” emphasizes the profound relationship between humanity and the natural world. By capitalizing “Creation,” the theme acknowledges both the physical universe and the ongoing divine act of creation, highlighting our interconnectedness and responsibility towards the environment.

The Bible, particularly Romans 8:19-25, frames Creation as groaning in the pains of childbirth. It points to a world yearning for redemption and wholeness in all its parts, human and non-human alike. We are reminded of the earth’s suffering due to human actions and neglect, the suffering of our human sisters and brothers because of our own actions, and the urgent need for a shift in our relationship with God and all of Creation.

The theme calls for active hope and action. It stresses that hope involves more than passive waiting. It requires courage and effort to address environmental and social issues. The emphasis is on collaboration and respect for Creation as a cosmic family, recognizing our role as family caregivers rather than mere users.

Hope is not naive optimism but a dynamic, active process involving endurance and resilience. This hope drives us to strive for justice and positive change, informed by the example of Christ and an understanding that our actions, though sometimes slow to yield visible results, are meaningful and necessary.

A Celebration guide for the 2024 Season of Creation is available at:, with an included recommended suite of actions for advocating for the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) , bringing together nations, civil society, and faith groups to reduce fossil fuel use. To advocate for a FFNPT you can:

  • Raise awareness
    To help people of faith understand the need to phase out fossil fuels and engage in the campaign for the FFNPT, raising awareness is crucial. Communities are encouraged to hold talks and sign-up events to help people understand what FFNPT is and to call on faith leaders to sign.
  • Participate in the Season of Creation global day of action: 21 September
    Communities are encouraged to hold and participate in events to call on political leaders to sign the FFNPT. Plan and prepare prayer services, public actions, or vigils by faith communities, or activities with faith leaders calling on political leaders to sign the Treaty.
  • Share your advocacy work
    Follow the Season of Creation campaign on our Instagram, Facebook, and X (formerly Twitter) pages, and amplify our advocacy asks on your social media channels by using #SeasonOfCreation. Using this hashtag when you publish on social media is key for your actions to be made visible on the Season of Creation website

The Season of Creation runs from the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation (September 1) to the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi (October 4).

Our Office will also be releasing resources focussed on National Threatened Species Day (Sep. 7) during the week of 2 – 8 September, available here.

On 12-14 September, Catholic Earthcare will also be hosting their Season of Creation Convocation. To register or learn more about the convocation, visit