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The Laudato Si’ Action Platform Celebrates Its First Anniversary

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This week, the Laudato Si’ Action Platform (LSAP) marked its first anniversary with an on-line celebration. Pope Francis issued his landmark encyclical letter on the environment, Laudato Si’, in 2015. In the following years, the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development worked with around 200 representatives of Catholic organisations around the world to develop the LSAP which offers Catholics in every walk of life the opportunity to respond practically to Pope Francis’ invitation for us all to walk the journey of ecological conversion. 

The celebration included a message from Pope Francis and an address from the LSAP’s new Director, John Mundell. John provided an overview of some of the achievements of the first year of the Platform. He said that a report on the first year, as well as a guide for getting involved in the LSAP, would soon be sent to every Bishop around the planet. Fr. Joshtrom Kureethadam also offered a theological reflection on the Platform. Examples of action being taken by Catholics globally were shared. Among the examples are the efforts of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart in the Pacific nation of Kiribati who have worked with young people to plant many mangrove seedlings. It was also pleasing to hear a message from Bishop Shane Mackinlay, Bishop of Sandhurst, on the commitment to the LSAP  of the Church in Australia.

The recording of the celebration is at:

You can find more information about the LSAP at: