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Uncle Paul Kabai faces camera standing in his garden in the Torres Strait. Source: NITV / Kiera Jenkins

Torres Strait Islanders Take Action

A group of eight Torres Strait Islanders have gone to the United Nations to bring a complaint against the Australian Government for failing to protect their human rights in the face of rising sea levels. With rising waters effecting their food gardens, cemeteries and coast lines, the group successfully argued their point and the UN supported their complaint. An in-depth article by SBS goes into detail on the process and the climate heroes involved.

A black and white photo of a Black Lives Matter protest. There are two signs, one reads, "Black Lives Matter" the other, "It is not white vs black, its everyone vs racists"

Amnesty Anti-Racism Ally Guide

Amnesty International has released an anti-racism ally guide that is available for all to read and reflect on free of charge. The guide is for people who want to stop racism and support the anti-racism efforts they see around them. It says allies are people who make a lifelong commitment to learning, listening and taking action, led by people of colour. It presents six steps as key and urges the amplification of marginalised voices.

Laudato Si Action Platform Logo

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform Celebrates Its First Anniversary

The Laudato Si’ Action Platform is celebrating its first anniversary this week. The platform is a brilliant opportunity for families, parishes, schools, businesses, hospitals and organisations to work towards total sustainability and collate this information across the world. It is easy to pledge and receive the information needed and get to work in whatever your context. The first anniversary was celebrated with an online event available to watch anytime.

Bright aqua background with "Step up to clean up" written in a relaxed font. Clean up Australia logo above the main text.

Clean Up Australia Day

Clean Up Australia is the largest environmental community event in Australia.  You can run or join a Clean Up Australia event any day of the year, however the next Clean Up Australia Day is Sunday 5 March 2023.  Registrations for Clean Up Australia events are… Read More »Clean Up Australia Day

The logo for the NATSICC Assembly in is the middle of the screen with a deep blue background that looks like the night sky. The emblem is an Aboriginal painting with a red and orange snake forming a circle and a white bird features prominently.

NATSICC Assembly Videos

The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council ran their national assembly in September of this year in Townsville. It was an incredible event especially given this was the first time the community has been able to get together since COVID-19 began. The website now has a video available with photos of the assembly as well as a twenty minute wrap up video which summarises the event.

Kookaburra looking up against a background of green foliage. "COP 27 and COP 15 information sheet" is written in white on a background of light blue on the top right hand side of the image.

New Information Sheet on COP 27 & COP 15

This week COP27 continues. It is the first of two crucial global meetings where world leaders will discuss and make agreements to combat climate change and rapid loss of biodiversity. The office has created this fact sheet to provide information, prayer and action ideas for those following these events closely. Feel free to share with friends, groups, schools and parishes.

Peter Arndt smiles at the camera in front of a tree that is out of focus.

Introduction to the New Director

Peter Arndt, Director of the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace speaks about what is important to him in the role and thanks Dr. Sandie Cornish for her work and dedication in the role over the past two years. Peter speaks about the importance of a Culture of Encounter, “For me, social and environmental action needs to be situated where those struggling to overcome injustice and oppression are. I’ll be trying to encourage that approach through the work of the Office.”

Yellow speech bubble is in the centre of the image with "FROM THE HEART" in white writing next to it. Underneath is black text reading "". All on a background of red sand.

Uluru Statement from the Heart

An update is provided on the Uluru Statement from the Heart after Prime Minister Anthony Albanese announcing that the referendum for the Voice to Parliament will occur in the 2023-2024 Financial year. The Australian Catholic Bishops endorsed the Statement last November and Dean Parkin spoke at the NATSICC Assembly. Resources and ideas for grass roots promotion are available through a new website.

16 Days of Activism, new national plan and IDEVAW Event

The 16 days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence begins on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and end on Human Rights day. This year, the OJEP will hold an online event on 25 November, 3-5pm, highlighting the voices of women with lived experience and promoting the Bishops Social Justice Statement calling out the use of religion to justify such violence. Many organisations are joining the 16-day campaign.

Anti-Poverty Week logo on an aqua background. Text reads "16-22 October 2022. Anti-poverty week. 20 years action on poverty."

Anti-Poverty Week

Anti-Poverty week (16-22 October) is being observed this week, and we are being called on to raise awareness and taken action against poverty and organisations such as Vinnies Australia are calling on all parliamentarians to halving child poverty by 2030. Recent reports show 761,000 children live below the poverty line. Pope Francis’ message for World Day of the Poor (Nov 13) states, “This is the moment for us not to lose heart but to renew.”