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Four children look to camera with text super imposed infront of them that reads "Building a 'We' that cares

Migrant and Refugee Sunday

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“Towards an ever wider ‘we’” is the theme of the 107th Migrant and Refugee Sunday, celebrated on the 26th of September, 2021.  Pope Francis has released his message for Migrant and Refugee Sunday with an emphasis on creating a diverse and beautiful world which celebrates… Read More »Migrant and Refugee Sunday

New Name Reflects Key Focus

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Our Bishops have already met their first action commitment from the Social Justice Statement Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor – the Office for Social Justice has the new name the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace.

Laudato Si Action Platform Logo

Laudato Si’ Action Platform

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The Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development have launched the Laudato Si’ Action Platform and are seeking families, parishes, schools, universities, hospitals, businesses and religious communities to pledge their commitment to the Laudato Si’ Goals. Over a seven year journey, a road map… Read More »Laudato Si’ Action Platform

Sowers of Hope text over an image of Mountains from above

Sowers of Hope Recording Released

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The recording of the Laudato Si’ – Sowers of Hope online reflection hosted by the Office of Social Justice and Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare is now released and available online. The reflection gathered people from across Australia who participated in prayer and reflection on the Laudato Si’ Year. The gathering also had sharing from across the country on the successes of the previous year and lay the spiritual foundation for the journey ahead with the seven-year Laudato Si’ Goals.

Hand reaching through wire fence

Bishops Appeal for Asylum Seekers

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Australian Bishops have written to various members of Parliament appealing for greater welcome, support and inclusion of people seeking asylum and granted refuge. Bishop Michael McCarthy of Rockhampton Diocese and Bishop Vincent Long van Nguyen OFM (Conv) and Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service have both written to Federal ministers appealing for a more human approach to the detention and processing of people seeking asylum.