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Refugee Family Reunites

Breaking Family Ties: JRS Australia Submission to Family Reunions Visa Inquiry

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Australian Government family reunion policies have been found to ‘prolong family separation and exacerbate its negative effects’ in Jesuit Refugee Service Australia’s submission (JRS) to the Senate Standing Committee of Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the process and granting of family reunion visas. Based on the experience of thousands of those they work with, JRS highlighted five ways this occurs and provided eight recommendations for consideration including abolishing bans on overseas travel for temporary reunions overseas.

Three women standing together

Refugee Week: Unity

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Refugee Week (20 – 26 June) is an annual event focusing on raising awareness of issues refugees face, celebrating the contribution of refugees and promotes harmony and togetherness. A virtual screening of Rosemary’s Way on Friday the 25th at 7pm is a fundraiser event open to all people in Australia. There is also a conference from the 6th-7th of July Refugee Alternatives which is both face to face and online, convened by the Refugee Council of Australia.

Many people in a Zoom Screen Shot

Community Organising Gets Results

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Community organising in Queensland has contributed to the State government announcing a $2 billion fund investing in renewable energy, storage, and hydrogen. Over 800 people gathered in the Queensland Community Alliance’s Budget Assembly, including members of the Brisbane Archdiocesan Justice & Peace Commission and parishes around South-East Queensland. The Queenslanders negotiated with the deputy Premier before the State Budget on a range of issues.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday logo - Healing Country

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday Resources

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Dynamic and engaging resources to celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday have been released by the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council. NATSICC). Homily notes, liturgy notes, prayers of intercession, videos and activities are available, celebrating this year’s theme Healing Country. “Today our world is in need of healing… We must all come together … to fight the injustices of inequality, racism and environmental damage.”


Celebrating Sea Sunday – 11th July

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Seafarers are currently working across the seas, transporting goods in a global pandemic. This Sea Sunday, on the 11th of July, our Christian community is being invited to pray, reflect, celebrate and support seafarers. Despite facing the possibility of catching the virus in the ports they enter, many are not seen as key workers and have not been vaccinated. Stella Maris, the Catholic maritime welfare agency provides practical, spiritual and pastoral support.

A Heart shaped lake surrounded by greenery

The worldwide Laudato Si’ Action Platform Launches

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The Vatican has launched their new world wide tool – the Laudato Si’ Action Platform. This is purpose built for families, parishes, schools, diocese and communities to make Laudato Si’ a reality. The first phase of the initiative begins today and is an opportunity for all to review initial information and get ready for the full plans to be released on St Francis of Assisi’s feast day – October 4.

Laudato Si Year Plan Document

The Laudato Si’ Journey Continues

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As the Laudato Si’ Special Anniversary Year draws to a close at the end of Laudato Si’ Week on 25 May, the next stage of the journey begins. Registrations for a Seven-Year Journey towards seven Laudato Si’ Goals will open at the end of the Season of Creation when the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development will launch its online Laudato Si’ Action Platform. The Platform will offer practical guidance on actions in line with the Laudato Si’ Goals, a supportive community of practice, and milestones for our journey together.

Created by delegates at NATSICC Assembly

Bishops Back Call for Indigenous Voice

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The Catholic Bishops have backed the call for a National Voice for the First Peoples. They say it should involve as many First People as possible including faith-based groups like NATSICC. The Bishops back NATSICC’s call for the process to yield a tangible improvement in the lives of Australia’s First Peoples.

Budget papers

Catholic Responses to the 2021-2022 Federal Budget

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While Catholic Health Australia and the National Catholic Education Commission welcome government initiatives and new spending, Caritas Australia and the Refugee Council of Australia expressed disappointment with the 2021-2022 budget. $17.7 billion was allocated to implementing 126 of the 148 recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care while Onshore Detention and Compliance costs ballooned to $1.26 billion. Injections of cash to support regional actions to suppress COVID-19 in the Pacific were welcomed, however little additional funding was added to combat growing global poverty.