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World Day of Peace Message 2021

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The theme of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message for 2021 is A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace. It is a simple, timely message that goes to the heart of the matter. Francis begins by reflecting that 2020 has shown us “how important it is to care for one another and for creation”. He proposes a culture of care “as a way to combat the culture of indifference, waste and confrontation so prevalent in our time”.

Let the Earth Rejoice!

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Perhaps, for some of us, this year has held more of a sense of judgment than of joy. Does it seem like God is punishing humanity? Could it be that, like a loving parent, God is allowing us to experience the consequences of our collective… Read More »Let the Earth Rejoice!

Advent wreath

Beginnings and Endings

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By this time of year our minds are often already in the next year. There are only a handful of working weeks before Australia slides into summer holiday mode, and a new liturgical year is about to begin too. All at once we are in… Read More »Beginnings and Endings

Living Laudato Si’ in Brisbane

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Initiated in 2018, the Brisbane Archdiocese Living Laudato Si’ Initiative is now branching out into partnerships with Toowoomba Diocese and the Queensland Churches Environmental Network. You can find out more about the initiative, its activities, and the resources that it has produced for parishes, agencies… Read More »Living Laudato Si’ in Brisbane

A gentleman serving at a hospitality service

Making our Events Inclusive

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As event organisers begin to plan for the future, the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference Disability Projects Office checklist for welcoming people with disability at conferences and events will be a handy tool. Disability Projects Officer, Trish Mowbray is also available to provide advice. Perhaps we… Read More »Making our Events Inclusive

Members of the Office for Social Justice Team L to R Lyn Delaguiado, John Ferguson, Sandie Cornish

Thankyou & Farewell

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Dear Friends, I write to inform you of significant changes occurring with the Office for Social Justice and to ask for your continued support for the work of this small office that serves the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service. Following… Read More »Thankyou & Farewell

Making a New Way

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Greetings Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has been undergoing a period of review and renewal. It follows the 10-yearly review of the Bishops Conference and a review of funding for the Bishops Conference. Many changes took place within the… Read More »Making a New Way

Brothers and Sisters All

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Pope Francis’ new encyclical Fratelli Tutti: On Fraternity and Social Friendship, issues a strong challenge to xenophobia and an exaggerated focus on national self-interest. It encourages social and economic inclusion at all levels and stresses that all human beings are sisters and brothers, members of… Read More »Brothers and Sisters All