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Season of Creation

Season of Creation

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

A beautiful Aboriginal painting of a tree where there are intricate circles at the ends of each of the branches with a sky made of yellow, orange and red concentric circles.

One Journey, Together

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

A photograph of Uluru, taken at sunrise/sunset


In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

A picture of a tropical island and the surrounding water from above. Beautiful dark blue water changes to vibrant aqua around the small green island.

Laudato Si’ Action Plan

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

"Yes" Banner, provided by

Get Active for the Voice

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

World Refugee Week Resource

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

A womans hands, holding a meagre amount of coins

Justice for People on Low Incomes

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has led a national campaign to urge the Federal Government to raise the rate of income support payments made to Australians on job seeker and some other payments. We update you on the campaign and the just released Budget.

A crowd of people marching, with a sign in the background reading "Social Justice"

Social Action Course

This is the last call for our pilot program which aims to train leaders of movements for social and environmental change. The eight session program will help you to learn how to weave scripture and Church tradition into your action. You will also learn skills to make your action more strategic and effective. The program begins on June 27. We offer an outline of the program and give information on how to express your interest.

Laudato Si Week 2023 May 16- May 24

Laudato Si’ Week 2023 Resources

Laudato Si’ Week, a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical on caring for our common home is taking place 16 May – 24 May this year. The ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace has created resources for individuals and groups to use throughout the week.