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Indigenous Artwork of a Cross

Closing the Gap Strategy Failing

Recent findings from the Productivity Commission’s Closing the Gap Review highlight the lack of progress made towards equality in Australia and remind us of the urgent need to address ongoing disparities faced by Indigenous Australians.

Peter Arndt smiles at the camera in front of a tree that is out of focus.

Inclusion of People with Disabilities

Director of OJEP, Peter Arndt, reflects on his experience working with guide dogs, and the challenges and discrimations people with disabilities still face in daily life.

Praise God

We take a look at the Pope’s new Apostolic Exhortation on integral ecology, Laudate Deum, and give you a way in which you can take action leading up to the upcoming climate conference in Dubai.

Three women among rubble in Gaza

May Weapons Fall Silent

The Pope calls for a ceasefire amidst the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. He also calls for a day of prayer and fasting this Friday 27 October.

Referendum Fact Sheet

Our office has produced the following factsheet to assist in discussions about the Referendum. We do not seek to dictatce how others should vote, but encourage people to follow their concience and convictions, and make an informed decision.

Listen Learn Love: A New engagement with Aborignal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples

Reflecting on the Social Justice Statement

It is important for us to give serious consideration to the Voice referendum coming up on 14 October. Listening to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples about their concerns and their hopes for the future is vital if we are to make an informed decision on 14 October.