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Social Justice Statement 2023-24

In This years Social Justice Statement, Australia’s Bishops invite us to renew our engagement with the First Peoples of Australia. They have come to this view through much listening to the First Peoples and they encourage us all to listen to them in a spirit of love and humility.

An image drawn on a chalkboard: The Silhouette of a family with two young children fleeing, bordered by chain link fencing

Refugees off PNG and Nauru

Staff from the Office recently met with a number of refugees who have recently arrived in Australia from Nauru. We share some of their experiences and offer you an opportunity to support those refugees still held in PNG as part of Australia’s offshore processing policy.

2023-2024 SJS Launch 17 August 8.45am Holy Family Primary School Hall, Emerton

Listen, Learn, Love

Social Justice Sunday is 27 August and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference’s new Social Justice Statement, Listen, Learn, Love: A New Engagement with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples will be launched on Thursday 17 August in Parramatta Diocese.

A Heart shaped lake surrounded by greenery

Let Justice and Peace Flow

We share more on Pope Francis’ Message for the World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation and provide details about two opportunities for you to harmonise your heartbeat with God’s heartbeat and the heartbeat of the earth.