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Man provides boy with health check in mother's arms

Afghanistan and PNG Campaign Updates

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The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum, of which the ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace is a part, is running an ongoing campaign to support the people of Afghanistan. It is looking for people to contact their local member of Parliament and advocate for 20,000 refugee places and permanent protection. Offshore processes will end in Papua New Guinea with the Australia and PNG governments ending their agreement. It will continue on Nauru.

Global Vaccine Equity Action

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Bishop Vincent Long has spoken about the importance of a waiver of parts of the a trade agreement to allow equitable access to vaccines for the whole human family.

Woman sits outside tent at refugee camp

Catholic support for Afghans

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The Australian Bishops’ Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace have co-signed a letter urging Federal Parliamentarians to take seven urgent and decisive actions to support and protect Afghan citizens and asylum seekers overseas and within Australia.  Principle signatory, Refugee Council of Australia have based these… Read More »Catholic support for Afghans