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The text: "Crying Out: Exploring the Statement from the Heart and care for the environment" is in the centre of the picture with a faded slightly white picture of a native plant in the background.

Crying Out: Exploring the Uluru Statement from the Heart and care for the environment

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A new resource exploring the relationship between the Uluru Statement from the Heart and care for the environment has been released, aimed at small group discussions in a parish setting. The resource is a creation of the South Australian Dialogue of the Roman Catholic and Uniting Churches and can be used across denominations. A leader’s guide is also available through their website to help preparations.

A map of the Pacific Islands including Australia in the corner.

Talanoa Meeting – NCCA Assembly

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You are invited to a Talanoa Meeting and dialogue taking place on 27 May, led by the National Council of Churches Australia. It will be an update from the Pacific Ecumenical Community featuring Rev James Bhagwan, the General Secretary of Pacific Conference of Churches, who has been a key advocate for climate justice. Talanoa is a way of dialogue that seeks consensus and integrating decision making.  

Bishop Vincent Long mid-speech talking to camera against the background of the Parramatta river. Text at the bottom reads, "Dear friends, we are in a time of environmental crisis."

Diocese of Parramatta Launches Laudato Si’ Action Plan

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The Diocese of Parramatta has launched their Laudato Si Action Campaign in their communities. Releasing a video sent to all parishes, it combines schools, parishes and organisations to show their support of the Laudato Si Action Plan as well as highlighting the great projects already working in the diocese. Bishop Vincent committed to a base line assessment of the Diocese resources to guide its seven-year plan.

Feast of St Joseph the Worker 2022

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The first of May is the Feast of St Joseph the Worker and the ACBC Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service is highlighting the growing trend of people needing to work multiple jobs to get by. Bishop Vincent Long van Nguyen OFM CONV speaks in a video message that can be played in parishes and schools as part of the celebrations of St Joseph the Worker. Multiple resources including image quotes are also available.

A painting from within the tomb of Jesus, empty, looking into the dawn of a new day with the cross in the centre.

Pope Francis’ Easter Message

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Pope Francis has delivered his Urbi et Orbis, or message for Rome and the World for Easter 2022. He focuses on the importance of peace in a world at the end of an ‘endless’ Lent with COVID-19, multiple wars and a world facing the difficulties of climate change. “Brothers and sisters, may we be won over by the Peace of Christ! Peace is possible; peace is a duty; peace is everyone’s primary responsibility.”

The silhouette of a person putting a ballot in a ballot box.

Bishops Call for a Better Kind of Politics

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The Australian Catholic Bishops have released a new election resource highlighting key issues for consideration this election. The guide doesn’t assign ratings to candidates or parties, but rather gives a background on the different issues that could affect the election and information on these issues from a Catholic perspective.

Laudato Si' Week 16-24 May

Laudato Si’ Week Australia: 16 – 24 May 2022 

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Why are the dates for the celebration of Laudato Si’ Week in Australia (16-24 May) different from those on the international Laudato Si’ Week website? These dates allow both Laudato Si’ Week, and National Reconciliation Week from 27 May –3 June, to be celebrated appropriately by Australian Catholics. The dates were announced in the Social Justice Statement Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor.

Image of a calculator, pen and graph.

Federal Budget Reactions

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The Federal Budget was delivered in recent weeks and many Catholic organisations have issued a response from their perspective. While there have been some welcomed initiatives, aged care and health care services stated the budget does not meet the needs of an industry in crisis and Catholic Social Services Australia said the measures introduced will do little to address long term poverty.

A photo of a protest sign reading "There is no planet B"

Steady State Economy Workshop

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The Centre for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy (NSW) is running an online workshop on “Whether the economy can serve the community’s needs” – Examination of perspectives and solutions within “Alternative policy frameworks”. Via zoom and from 9am to 3:30pm on Saturday 23 April, speakers will focus on answering questions on how an economy can serve community’s needs, while embracing respect for the Natural World.

Yellow background with the text, "Be Brave. Make change. National Reconciliation Week, May 27 - 3 June.

Reconciliation Week:

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Reconciliation week is approaching and the theme for this year is, “Be Brave. Make Change”. The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council has helped many Dioceses and Catholic agencies create a Reconciliation Action Plan and encourages organisations to do so. The theme for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander Sunday (3 July) is, “The harvest is plenty, but the laborers are few. Get up! Stand up! Show up”