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Woman sits outside tent at refugee camp

Catholic support for Afghans

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The Australian Bishops’ Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace have co-signed a letter urging Federal Parliamentarians to take seven urgent and decisive actions to support and protect Afghan citizens and asylum seekers overseas and within Australia.  Principle signatory, Refugee Council of Australia have based these… Read More »Catholic support for Afghans

Season of Creation

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1 September – 4 October is the Season of Creation. A worldwide coalition of Christian churches organises and runs this global event which calls for all to pray and act to protect our common home, or God’s Oikos. The theme for this year is “A… Read More »Season of Creation

Four children look to camera with text super imposed infront of them that reads "Building a 'We' that cares

Migrant and Refugee Sunday

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“Towards an ever wider ‘we’” is the theme of the 107th Migrant and Refugee Sunday, celebrated on the 26th of September, 2021.  Pope Francis has released his message for Migrant and Refugee Sunday with an emphasis on creating a diverse and beautiful world which celebrates… Read More »Migrant and Refugee Sunday

New Name Reflects Key Focus

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Our Bishops have already met their first action commitment from the Social Justice Statement Cry of the Earth, Cry of the Poor – the Office for Social Justice has the new name the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace.