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photo of Bishop Long

A Discipleship of Equals

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Bishop Long’s Easter message calls on the church and its leaders to follow the example of women throughout salvation history and create a future of hope.

Female Under-Secretary for Dicastery

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Pope Francis has appointed Sister Alessandra Smerilli as Under-Secretary of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development. Her appointment has been welcomed as a sign of Pope Francis’ commitment to bringing about a ‘more incisive presence’ of women in the Church. Sr Smerilli was already an advisor to the Vatican City State, consultor of… Read More »Female Under-Secretary for Dicastery

photo of Bishop Long

Seeking a Better JobSeeker

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In a submission to the Australian Government, Bishop Vincent Long Van Nguyen, Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service has called for a substantial and permanent increase to the JobSeeker allowance. Rejecting the proposed increase to JobSeeker as inadequate, he said… Read More »Seeking a Better JobSeeker

Sign the Sydney Statement

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The Sydney Statement is an interfaith charter that details how to engage in interfaith relations with others – in daily life, in acting together for the common good, in sharing knowledge about each other’s religions, and in exchanging spirituality – and to promote interreligious dialogue… Read More »Sign the Sydney Statement

Rising Tides, Raising Voices

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The image on the cover of Rising Tides, Raising Voices shows coconut trees killed by the encroachment of sea water. Meanwhile the first words of the publication go to Tiiringatea, an I-Kiribati participant in the Pacific Calling Partnership’s climate leadership training program in 2014: “The… Read More »Rising Tides, Raising Voices

Volunteer with Palms

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Rising to the challenges of COVID-19 Palms Australia are actively recruiting Australian Catholics now to receive preparation and training to undertake overseas professional placements in late 2021 and early 2022. Palms recruits, prepares, sends and supports Catholics from all around Australia to fill overseas professional… Read More »Volunteer with Palms