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Preparing the Future

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Almost as soon as the pandemic was declared, Pope Francis established the Vatican COVID-19 Commission. He understood that we can either emerge from this once in a generation crisis better or worse. How we respond to the pandemic now can help to prepare a better… Read More »Preparing the Future

End Red-Tagging

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Bishop Vincent Long, Chair of the Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service, has raised concerns with the Philippine Ambassador and the Australian Government about the killing of indigenous Tumandok people in Capiz on 30 December 2020. The killings occurred during a joint operation of… Read More »End Red-Tagging

Be More this Lent

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Ash Wednesday (17 February) is the beginning of Lent, which means that Caritas Australia’s annual Lenten fundraiser, Project Compassion is about to start. The theme this year is ‘Be more’, inspired by the words of St Oscar Romero: “aspire not to have more, but to… Read More »Be More this Lent

Choose Peace

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Did you know that the Holy See was one of the first states to sign and ratify the International Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? This might seem like a purely symbolic action from a state that does not possess nuclear weapons. It is in fact a symbol of a significant development in the Church’s teaching on nuclear weapons that has taken place over recent years.

photo of candle

World Day of Peace Message 2021

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The theme of Pope Francis’ World Day of Peace Message for 2021 is A Culture of Care as a Path to Peace. It is a simple, timely message that goes to the heart of the matter. Francis begins by reflecting that 2020 has shown us “how important it is to care for one another and for creation”. He proposes a culture of care “as a way to combat the culture of indifference, waste and confrontation so prevalent in our time”.

Let the Earth Rejoice!

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Perhaps, for some of us, this year has held more of a sense of judgment than of joy. Does it seem like God is punishing humanity? Could it be that, like a loving parent, God is allowing us to experience the consequences of our collective… Read More »Let the Earth Rejoice!

Advent wreath

Beginnings and Endings

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By this time of year our minds are often already in the next year. There are only a handful of working weeks before Australia slides into summer holiday mode, and a new liturgical year is about to begin too. All at once we are in… Read More »Beginnings and Endings

Living Laudato Si’ in Brisbane

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Initiated in 2018, the Brisbane Archdiocese Living Laudato Si’ Initiative is now branching out into partnerships with Toowoomba Diocese and the Queensland Churches Environmental Network. You can find out more about the initiative, its activities, and the resources that it has produced for parishes, agencies… Read More »Living Laudato Si’ in Brisbane