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A womans hands, holding a meagre amount of coins

Justice for People on Low Incomes

The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) has led a national campaign to urge the Federal Government to raise the rate of income support payments made to Australians on job seeker and some other payments. We update you on the campaign and the just released Budget.

A crowd of people marching, with a sign in the background reading "Social Justice"

Social Action Course

This is the last call for our pilot program which aims to train leaders of movements for social and environmental change. The eight session program will help you to learn how to weave scripture and Church tradition into your action. You will also learn skills to make your action more strategic and effective. The program begins on June 27. We offer an outline of the program and give information on how to express your interest.

A crowd of people marching, with a sign in the background reading "Social Justice"

Social Justice Course

More information is provided on an exciting on-line course for those interested in developing their skills to be more faithful and effective in their social, peace and environmental action. The free course starts on June 27 and numbers are limited.

Catholic Priest in vestements leading Mass

Learning More about Catholic Social Action

We offer someinformation about a new series of workshops which aim to help Catholics to ground their social and environmental action in the Bible and Catholic teaching. The workshops will also offer skills for taking action more effectively and strategically.

An image drawn on a chalkboard: The Silhouette of a family with two young children fleeing, bordered by chain link fencing

National Refugee Week

We provide information about National Refugee Week, this year’s theme and how you can get involved. We also provide information on this year’s Palm Sunday Rallies for Refugees around the country.

Multicultural felt cutouts of people on a black background

International Day for the Elimination of Racism

The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is marked on 21 March. These days, in Australia, we mark this day as Harmony Day. This helps us to appreciate the benefits of a multicultural Australia, but it can also ignore the hard questions about how racism still exists in Australia and effects the lives of many people. We provide some information on how you can challenge racism in society.

Logo: Project Compassion: For all future generations

Project Compassion

We’re in the middle of Lent, but it’s not too late to support the development work of Caritas Australia, not only by your weekly contributions at Mass, but also by organising community fund raising events. Learn more about what you can do.

Cupped hands filled with small easter eggs

Challenging Slavery at Easter

Peter Arndt, Director of the Office reflects on Advent and particularly on seeing God with us each day. The hustle and bustle of this time of year can stop us seeing and hearing God in our day-to-day lives. He urges us to keep Christ in our celebrations of Christmas by remembering and including people excluded from society and our brother and sisters in the environment in our celebrations. Peter farewells Patrice Moriarty who is moving on from her support of the Office.

A crowd of people marching, with a sign in the background reading "Social Justice"

World Social Justice Day

Peter Arndt, Director of the Office reflects on Advent and particularly on seeing God with us each day. The hustle and bustle of this time of year can stop us seeing and hearing God in our day-to-day lives. He urges us to keep Christ in our celebrations of Christmas by remembering and including people excluded from society and our brother and sisters in the environment in our celebrations. Peter farewells Patrice Moriarty who is moving on from her support of the Office.