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refugees and asylum seekers

Clasped hands superimposed over a sunset

From the Chair: World Refugee Day

At an ecumenical prayer service for World Refugee Day (June 20), Bishop Vincent Long OFM, Chair of the Bishops Commission for Social Justice, Mission and Service, delivered a timely reflection:

Three women among rubble in Gaza

World Refugee Week

World Refugee Week is an opportunity for us to re-commit ourselves to accompanying refugees at a time when Government policy is becoming increasingly harsh.

World Refugee Week Resource

In the Gospel, Jesus compels us to welcome the stranger (Matthew 25:35). Welcome in this context involves both an attitude and an action. It is our attitude which constantly needs to be assessed in light of the Gospel to ensure that we are carrying out the Lord’s commandment to love our neighbour as ourselves.

An image drawn on a chalkboard: The Silhouette of a family with two young children fleeing, bordered by chain link fencing

National Refugee Week

We provide information about National Refugee Week, this year’s theme and how you can get involved. We also provide information on this year’s Palm Sunday Rallies for Refugees around the country.

An image drawn on a chalkboard: The Silhouette of a family with two young children fleeing, bordered by chain link fencing

Changes in Refugee Laws May Bring Justice

Peter Arndt, Director of the Office reflects on Advent and particularly on seeing God with us each day. The hustle and bustle of this time of year can stop us seeing and hearing God in our day-to-day lives. He urges us to keep Christ in our celebrations of Christmas by remembering and including people excluded from society and our brother and sisters in the environment in our celebrations. Peter farewells Patrice Moriarty who is moving on from her support of the Office.

A mother sits with her son look together at a piece of paper on a coffee table.

Update on the 2022-2023 Budget and Asylum Seekers

The Federal government released their 2022-2023 budget after the election. Although there is new funding available to speed up visa processing which is years behind, and there is a review on Australia’s multicultural policies and more support for people learning English, there was no commitment to permanency for those on temporary visas and no increased refugee intake.

A mother sit besides her son as they complete work at a table in a run down apartment.

End Temporary Protection

You are invited to contact your local Federal parliamentarians to join your voice with calls to end Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs) and Safe Haven Enterprise Visas (SHEVs). The federal government has committed to this however there is no timeline in place, meaning people seeking asylum continue to be in limbo. Advocates across the country are asking for this and for people seeking asylum to finally be granted permanent protection.