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refugees and asylum seekers

First Anniversary of Fratelli Tutti

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The first anniversary of the release of Pope Francis’ encyclical, Fratelli Tutti was celebrated on 3 October, 2021. The encyclical, which focuses on social friendship and overcoming racism and discrimination through dialogue and encounter has a new website which contains many resources all can use to share its message that we are all one human family. Videos, infographics, reflections, social media graphics, photos and prayers are available.

Man provides boy with health check in mother's arms

Afghanistan and PNG Campaign Updates

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The Catholic Alliance for People Seeking Asylum, of which the ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace is a part, is running an ongoing campaign to support the people of Afghanistan. It is looking for people to contact their local member of Parliament and advocate for 20,000 refugee places and permanent protection. Offshore processes will end in Papua New Guinea with the Australia and PNG governments ending their agreement. It will continue on Nauru.

Refugee Family Reunites

Breaking Family Ties: JRS Australia Submission to Family Reunions Visa Inquiry

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Australian Government family reunion policies have been found to ‘prolong family separation and exacerbate its negative effects’ in Jesuit Refugee Service Australia’s submission (JRS) to the Senate Standing Committee of Legal and Constitutional Affairs Inquiry into the process and granting of family reunion visas. Based on the experience of thousands of those they work with, JRS highlighted five ways this occurs and provided eight recommendations for consideration including abolishing bans on overseas travel for temporary reunions overseas.

Painting of a tree with large butterflies

World Refugee Day

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Deuteronomy 10: 12 – 19  For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who is not partial and takes no bribe, who executes justice for the orphan and the widow,  and who loves the strangers, providing them food and… Read More »World Refugee Day

Social Justice Statement 2015-16 cover image

Social Justice Statement 2015-16

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The Social Justice Statement 2015-16 invites us to reflect on the call of Jesus to welcome those in most need and to give comfort to those who come to us in flight from fear and suffering.