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Three images of women at a protest are pieced together, each with a green, purple or grey overlay. The text "Social Justice Statement 2022-23, Respecti, Confronting Violence and abuse" is in white at the top of the image. Australian Catholic Bishops Conference is written in small white writing at the centre of the image at the bottom with the corresponding logo.

Social Justice Statement 2022-23

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Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse points out that the roots of domestic and family violence “lie in the abuse of power to control and dominate others” and that “this stands in contrast to the relationships to which God calls us”. Our relationships should be “marked by equality and reciprocity rather than domination and violence, respect and freedom rather than coercion and control”. We reject the manipulation of religious teachings to justify violence and abuse. We support women in calling for respect in relationships; their lives and those of their children are sacred.

A picture of Dr. Sandie Cornish looking to camera with a grey background.

Farewell to Dr Sandie Cornish

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Bishop Vincent Long says farewell to Director of the ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace, Dr Sandie Cornish. Sandie has been offered and accepted a full-time academic position with the Australian Catholic University. “As Sandie is moving to another chapter of her professional career, I wish her every blessing. This Commission and the Church in Australia are truly grateful for her witness, stewardship and service in challenging times.” 

Poster for Refugee Week with a light yellow background, picture of a young woman from Sudan in the bottom right corner smiling. The text in the middle of the image reads, "For those who've come from far and wide, we're happy you're safe, we're happy you're free, we're happy you're here. Refugee Week: 19-25 June 2022."

Refugee Week Resources

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The Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office and the ACBC Office for Justice Ecology and Peace have created resources for Refugee Week. Made for parishes and schools, all are invited to the prayer service and to use these great resources with your community.

Lismore Flood Recovery: “Standing on Holy Ground”

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A personal, on the ground reflection from Catholic Schools Diocese of Lismore Mission team on what Laudato Si’ means to them. They share their experience of ‘Standing on Holy Ground’ as they support each other to clean up after the floods and rebuild after catastrophic flooding where over 12 of their schools had damage to half of its buildings, and three completed inundated. You can support with prayers and responding to their appeal.

Hand reaching through wire fence

Cardinal Zen Arrested

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Retired Hong Kong Cardinal Zen was arrested on 11 May and faces charges “simply because he served as a trustee of a fund which provided legal aid to activists facing court cases” says Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences President Cardinal Charles Bo. Cardinal Bo has called for prayer for Cardinal Zen on 24 May, the Feast of Mary Help of Christians.

Minimum Wage Must Rise: Bishops

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The Australian Catholic Council for Employment Relations has argued for an increase in the minimum wage of 6.5%. Working on behalf of the Bishops, ACCER submitted this recommendation to the Annual Wage Review saying that no Australian should live below the poverty line. Spokesperson Stephen Mackie said, “The problem is children are being brought up in poverty…the workers on national minimum wage have been waiting for a long time for a significant increase.” 

A Sun rising over a landscape of trees, grass and long grass

From the Office

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Sandie Cornish, Director of the ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace reflects on Laudato Si’ Week, the Laudato Si’ Goals and the interconnected issues that an integral ecology must address. She highlights our feature article from Lismore diocese on Laudato Si’ and the effects and response of the floods, Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June), Refugee Week (19-25 June) and talanoa sharing stories around the mat present in the Pacific Council of Churches.

Close up picture of an Immigration Australia stamp

Faith Leaders Release Statement Calling for the End of TPVs

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Australian faith leaders including Archbishop Coleridge, then President of ACBC, have joined together to call for permanent protection for people on Temporary Protection Visas (TPVs). Even though many people on TPVs are refugees, they are still denied permenant protection and the stability of knowing they can make a long-term home in Australia. Campaign spokesman, Rev. Tim Costello urged political leaders to ‘do something that is ultimately good for all Australians’.

Image promoting the Prayer Service for Refugee Week, 20 June

Refugee Week Prayer Service: 20 June 2022

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You are invited to join the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office and the Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace for an online prayer service on World Refugee Day. Registration to attend the prayer service which will be broadcast live at 6 pm AEST on 20 June is now open. The two Offices have also combined to produce resources to encourage the celebration of Refugee Week 19-25 June.

Yellow background with the text, "Be Brave. Make change. National Reconciliation Week, May 27 - 3 June.

Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week

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Sorry Day (26 May) and Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June) both focus on alleviating personal, social and cultural injustice that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders have faced from non-Indigenous Australia. The onus of these weeks are on non-Indigenous organisations, people and groups to take steps to “Be Brave. Make Change.” This is the theme of this year’s week and Reconciliation Action Plans are a good first step.