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Laudato Si' Week Resources is written in white writing with green broader around it.

Laudato Si’ Week Resources

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Laudato Si’ Week, a celebration of Pope Francis’ encyclical on caring for our common home is taking place 16 May – 24 May this year. The ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace has created resources for individuals and groups to use throughout the week, including reflection, prayers, actions and quote images. Parish bulletin notices, prayers of intercession and PowerpPoints will also be available.

Depiction of a white dove flying holding an olive branch on a sky blue background.

Just Peace and Pope Francis’ Encyclical Fratelli Tutti

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Pax Christi Victoria held an online conference entitled Where Does Australia’s Security Lie? Director of the Office, Dr. Sandie Cornish provided input into the discussion, centring on the concept of a just peace and Pope Francis’ latest encyclical, Fratetlli Tutti on social friendship. This talk is now available online for all to download and reflect upon.

A large community group listens into a discussion in a community hall.

Community Resilience and the Role of Government

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Reflecting on the response to the East Coast floods, Dr Sandie Cornish, Director of the ACBC Office for Justice, Ecology and Peace deconstructs Catholic Social Teaching on the role of government, community resilience and subsidiarity. “Personal responsibility, community and solidarity are rich themes in Catholic Social Teaching. So too is the role of government.”

A "Stop War" sign is in the centre of the frame as part of a protest on a European city street.

Bishops Call for Peace and Prayer after Russian Invasion of Ukraine

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Archbishop Mark Coleridge, President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and Bishop Mykola Bychok, leader of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Australia have released a joint statement calling for peace after Russia invaded Ukraine. “Ukraine is a peaceful nation. We don’t want war.” Caritas is support people on the ground fleeing the conflict in dire straits.

Young woman sitting on a bridge and talks with young man sitting in wheel chair.

Disability workforce at breaking point

One in three disability sector workers report wanting to leave their job in the next twelve months and Catholic Social Services Australia (CSSA) report the sector is demoralised and at breaking point. Ms Monique Earsmon, Executive Director of CSSA is bringing the issue to the fore, “Disability workers are undervalued and this is having a devastating impact on the people they care for.”

Carer assists older gentlemen off bed.

CHA calls for Federal Government to Act on Aged Care

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Catholic Health Australia chief executive, Pat Garcia has called for urgent action from the Federal Government to prevent further closures of aged care homes due to lack of staff. Mr Garcia says, “The extreme shortage of aged care workers is putting the viability of homes across the country at risk, especially in regional areas.” Higher wages and prioritising aged care workers in immigration could ease the problem.

Biru sits on the ground, smiling at something off camera. Biru is working with a metal wheel close by.

Project Compassion: Biru’s Story

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Biru has overcome many difficulties in his life. As a person living with a disability and part of a minority in rural India, keeping cattle to support his wife and four children was a challenge. So he taught himself to repair bicycles and through participating in an entrepreneurship and livelihoods training program, supported by Caritas has been able to set up his own business and be financially dependent.

Call for Peace in Ukraine

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Australian Catholic Bishops Conference president Archbishop Mark Coleridge has expressed indignation at what is happening in Ukraine and called for a rejection of the madness of war and a return to reason, saying “the peace of the world is at stake”.

A beautiful Aboriginal painting of a tree where there are intricate circles at the ends of each of the branches with a sky made of yellow, orange and red concentric circles.

Reflect. Respect. Celebrate. Do.

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The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Catholic Council (NATSICC) released a statement ahead of 26 January, Australia Day. In it they affirm their belief that 27 May would be a better day to celebrate and encourage all Australians to take up the theme this year, adding one key element: Do. NATSICC provide a practical guide for all to make this their year of ‘Do’.

On a red background the Project Compassion: For All Future Generations logo sits. Caritas' logo is below the text and there are links to Caritas' website,, phone number 1800 024 413 and hashtag projectcompassion

Project Compassion: For All Future Generations

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“For All Future Generations” is the theme for this year’s Project Compassion. Supporting over three million people around the world each year, Caritas Australia is the International Aid and Development Agency of the Catholic Church. Caritas’ Lenten program, Project Compassion is one of the foundations allowing it to work across dozens of countries around the world and build futures with and for all.